Course: Grade 12 Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership
Date: Winter 2021 – In-Person Learning
Teacher: John Lise

The quadmester 3 Recreation and Healthy Active Living Leadership class developed a project in response to the idea that the elementary schools were unable to run their usual tournaments during that time of the year due COVID restrictions. The students created a project that would get the schools to connect with and challenging each other virtually in a variety of areas – from fitness, to art, and anything in between – to get students to participate in being community.

My students wanted to see how they could bring some community back by creating a project that would get the [elementary] schools to connect. There were a lot of leadership opportunities for our students [which] came through filling different roles as part of their individual teams. Each team ran a small project on their own, and the projects were combined together to be one larger project. So each small part needed a lot of leadership to connect with the elementary schools and to make those challenges run. The large project itself was also led by a team of students who took the responsibility of making sure that everybody in the class was connecting, while also making sure that the project came together as a whole.

John Lise, Teacher

I’m part of the leadership group. There are three other students that work alongside me and we make sure each one of the groups is getting their job done and [we] help them with anything that they need to get their event going. We’re really trying to make it as simple as possible and not so much work for the [elementary school] teachers, but try to make it accessible and time manageable. Something that I’ve learned is that when you’re trying to put on events like [this], each person really has their own role and has their own strengths and weaknesses; [I’ve been] learning how to play to each person’s strengths and help the people that have weaknesses. As we work as a team, I think that really creates 1) a good environment and 2) just a better event and better project in general.

Owen Duiker, Student