The Drama Club aims to provide students with experiences in building their knowledge and skills in all things theatre – both behind the scenes and on stage.
The Drama Club involves field trips to enjoy live theatre and to lead performances at LCH as well. Through the years, London Christian High has built a reputation for staging dramatic productions of a very high quality.
Our school has been recognized by London’s independent theatre community, receiving several Brickenden award nominations in the “Outstanding Youth Drama” category, winning the award three times. Each production typically includes fifteen to thirty students as cast members, and at least as many students on the various crews which include sound, lighting, hair and makeup, costumes, set construction, and stage management. Some past productions have included Seussical, Treasure Island, Fiddler on the Roof, Sound of Music, and many, many more.
Not only do cast and crew members build a community of friends from our school, they are also given the opportunity to make connections with students from other Christian schools. We offer matinee performances for our partner elementary schools and other schools within the London community.
Ms. Danielle Bird is the Drama teacher and Director of the spring Drama Production at LCH. To learn more about Ms. Bird, click here.