Student Support Services

The Student Support Services team is available for students to discuss and work through academic, learning, and personal issues, primarily within the framework of the school day. The Student Support Services team is made up of our Guidance Counsellors, Student Mental Health & Wellness Lead, and Learning Commons Lead.


We encourage our students to use their gifts and abilities in service to God and to seek advice and assistance with relationships when needed. We seek to make high school education a good experience that is appropriate for each student.

London Christian High is dedicated to serving and supporting students throughout their high school journey. The guidance department assists our students in the following areas:

  • Transitioning from elementary school, both academically and socially
  • Identifying and addressing special learning support needs for individual students
  • Assistance with preparation for tests and exams, time management, use of agendas, and other skills that will help students in their high school years
  • Post-secondary applications, scholarship applications, level changes, obtaining the required number of credits, academic recommendations, references, and community service hours

Learning Commons

We believe that every student has tremendous learning potential, and this is expressed in different learning styles and needs. 

We believe that every student has tremendous learning potential, and this is expressed in different learning styles and needs.

Our well-resourced Learning Commons team primarily provides adaptive support to students with specific learning needs identified in Individual Education Plans through placing educational assistants in classes, advocating for student needs, and providing alternative testing space, quiet working space, access to technology, and guidance with learning strategies. All students at London Christian High also benefit from general academic support provided through the Learning Commons.

Emotional & Mental Wellness

London Christian High offers support for students’ emotional and mental well-being on a variety of levels. 

Our Student Mental Health & Wellness Lead is available for students to discuss and work through academic and personal issues which impact their learning and school day.