School Blog

Our Blog | Stories of Learning at London Christian High2024-05-14T14:52:17-04:00

Senior D-Block – Mobile Classroom

For the many children in the Digo community outside Tanga, Tanzania, Africa, the thought of going to school is a fantasy. Their parents, struggling to grow crops to feed the family, have little money to send them to the city school. Our senior Design-Block students are working on a possible solution to this problem - a “Mobile Classroom”.

Grade 9 French – Making French Authentic

In grade 9 French we have completed two units of study. The first reviewed the French learned in elementary school as a way to ease students back into the study of a foreign language.

Experiencing Growing Chefs

The trip to Growing Chefs was a great experience. We learned about the food production cycle, tried out some plating techniques, and got to make a delicious, healthy meal, made from local ingredients.

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