It is important to create conditions at school that lead to good health and enhanced learning – to create and have learning environments where students, and their parents are supported.

Browse through topics or select one from the menu below:

Learning Commons

Every student has tremendous learning potential, and this is expressed in different learning styles and needs. Our well-resourced Learning Commons team primarily provides adaptive support to students with specific learning needs identified in Individual Education Plans (IEPs), through placing education assistants in classes, advocating for student needs, and providing alternative testing space, working space, access to technology and guidance on learning strategies. All students at the school also benefit from general academic support provided through the Learning Commons.

Academic Assistance:

Students are encouraged to make arrangements with their subject teachers when academic  or tutorial assistance is required. If students require assistance with study skills, organizational skills, getting started on a project, etc., they should make an appointment with Ms. Carla Hosmar, the Learning Commons Lead.

English Language Learners (ELLs)

There are a variety of supports in place to help students whose first language is a language other than English. Academic support, career counselling, conversation groups, and other referrals to assist ELL students are available through Student Services.

Student Support Services

London Christian High offers support for student emotional and mental wellbeing on a variety of levels.

The Student Support Services team is available for students to discuss and work through academic and personal issues, primarily within the framework of the school day. The Student Support Services team provides guidance services and assists student with course selections and pathways planning as students progress in their high school education.


The school library is a welcoming environment where students can collaborate or work independently. The library emphasizes literacy and learning by providing access to a variety of resources, and electronic databases to support curricular needs and/or engaging student interest. If students would like to borrow books for personal reading, they should reach out to Ms. Weverink. For students wishing to borrow books for research, they should speak with their classroom teacher.

Visit our library website.

Student Insurance

LCH takes every precaution to provide a safe learning environment for students, however accidents can happen. When they do, injuries may involve medical, dental or other expenses that are not covered by provincial health care or employer group plans. Families may be surprised to find that they are responsible to cover the cost of crutches, dental/orthodontic treatments, casts, crutches, splints, physiotherapy, broken eye glasses, prescription drug expenses, or ambulance services. As a precautionary measure, parents may choose to purchase additional student insurance to claim costs in the event of an injury.

First Aid Treatment

Students who require “first aid” treatment due to injury should contact the nearest staff member for immediate attention. Please see our CPR & First Aid Policy for more details on our protocols.

Medications during the school day – Please note that the school will not dispense any medication to students without written authorization from a parent or guardian. Students on prescription medication during school hours for an extended period of time should inform the office. Please see the Medication Policy for more information.

Student Medical Conditions – London Christian High has a Prevalent Medical Conditions Policy to guide our support of students with Asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and those with anaphylactic reactions. These medical conditions have the potential to result in a medical incident requiring an immediate response and monitoring or a life-threatening medical emergency. Please see the Prevalent Medical Conditions Policy, Asthma Policy, and Anaphylaxis Policy for more information.

Concussion Protocol

In the event that your student experiences a concussion, please notify the school office prior to the student returning to school. A doctor’s note and concussion protocol will need to be established for the student prior to re-entry. Please see the Concussion & Head Injuries Policy for more information.

Immunizations and Communicable Diseases

Please see our Student Immunization Policy and Communicable Diseases and Pandemic Response Policy for information on London Christian HIgh’s expectations and response to immunizations and communicable diseases.

Student Drivers for School Events & Transportation Insurance

In the event that students drive for a school event with or without passengers, the following apply:

  • The insurance of the car owner provides primary coverage up to the limit carried by the owner. The student driver must be included in the car owner’s insurance policy.
  • The insurance carried by London Christian High is secondary; it goes into effect after the car owner’s insurance is depleted.

Fire & Emergency Drills

Fire & emergency drills are held several times during the course of the school year at London Christian High. Students will receive training on procedures for these drills during the first week of school.